Day 4: Sydney, Australia

Day 4 (7/13/2002): Sydney, Australia

We arrived around 7:00 am in Sydney, losing a day due to the aforementioned date line. We got through borders and met Jonathan, our Australian tour director. He took us on a tour of Sydney. He talked about the history of the city. 

Abby Haystead and Terrell Miller with a grand view of Sydney in the background 

The two most important people are Captain Cook and Governor MacQuaries. Captain Cook was instrumental in mapping the island and Governor MacQuaries was instrumental in developing Sydney, as he used convicted thieves other abilities (like architects or builders) to help build up the island. Then we took a turn down some old streets so that we could pass the time until we could check in to our hotel, The Hyde Park Plaza Suites. It's got a good location in Sydney, within walking distance of a lot of stores. 

We split up into two groups to shop and to eat lunch. Once we got into our rooms we took a few hours off to do laundry, rest, and use the pool and hot tub that was on the top floor.

We met as a group again and split up for supper and activities. Some went to church but the majority shopped for a little bit and went back because they were tired. The kids were interacting with a third group that has joined our tour (the second group was from Missouri). They were from New Mexico. 

The boys and girls were talking up at the hot tub. It went late into the evening, as most of these things do. Tomorrow will be a busy day so most of us will make it an early night.


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